
Landscape and Garden

Claude Lorrain

William Gilpin

Capability Brown

Humphrey Repton

JMW Turner

Suzhou, Lion Forest

References & Credits: 
Claude Lorrain:
William Gilpin:
Capability Brown:
Humphrey Repton:
JMW Turner:
Suzhou, Lion Forest:


Island 1 & 2

The first island:

bird's sight
( Still need to put vegetation and texture into the environment. Will fix by next week.)

The second island:

five landscapes

Five landscapes

Sunset, Rock, Grass, Creek

Twilight, Snow, Shrub & Pine
Cloudy, Wildflowers & Grass, (Aviemore Scotland)

Sunbeam, Valley, Wheat, Terraces
Pine, Cuckoo & Grass, River(Glen Etive Scotland)


Week01---5 vedios

Getting Started and Folder Structure

1. The bin32 and bin64 is where the game files and editor located. If you are in the 64bits operating system, then stay with the Bin64 which load faster and allow you to use a lot memory. Otherwise, use the Bin32.
2. Code folder is where the examples and scrip located. You can also make few code changes if you want.
3. Editor folder is where the file editor stored and icons are.
4. Engine folder is where the shadows get stored and the bin and the engine related.
5. The game folder you can find everything from animations, CGS file is. There are few PAK files in the game folder. Inside these PAK files, are basically where the whole game is. For example, likes materials, sound, animation, particles, objects, etc.

Overview of the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox User Interface

1. Move about by using keys W A S D; S Key zooms out.
2. RIGHT MOUSE button controls view; LEFT MOUSE Button to paint.
3. F3 key change the view from perspective to wireframe mould.
4. CTRL G drops and ‘person’ into the virtual world Scroll mouse to lose the gun; Scroll mouse to lose the gun; (after drop a real ‘person’) F3 key to see ‘the person’ at the back.
5. CLT+E quickly rebuild a level; Q key for the camera collision.
6. Type the name of the object on the top right spaces, will isolate the object.
7. Lock section will lock the objects you have selected.
8. Speed input box change the speed of zoom in and out.
9. Go to position type the XYZ coordination in the box to go to the exactly position you want to go.
10. Rollup Bar include Modify (to change the height and shape of the terrain, Layer painter (assign the materials and texture to the terrain), Vegetation (to put different vegetations on the terrain), Entity, Geometry Entity (to import objects into the environment), Particles etc.

Customising the Editor

1. Go to Tool-customise keyboard. In the customise windows, create my own tool bar by drag the drop the tools I want.
2. To make the hot key, right click on the tool bar, go to customise and click on keyboard. This is where I create the hot key, so it will make the process of editing the terrain more easily.
3. To change the colour of the council, I will go to the Tool-Preferences-the council background colour to change the colour to light blue.
4. Go to Tool-Preferences-Deep selection range to set the deep selection range to 1. It will helps me to select the objects which behind something easily.
5. In the Preferences windows, I will also change the size of the helpers to 0.5.


1. Right mouse button to look around; middle mouse button to pan around; pressing middle mouse button and the right mouse button at the same time, and move the mouse up and down can allow you the navigate only by the mouse.
2. Alt + middle mouse button allow you to rotate the camera around the middle of the screen.
3. Pressing Q key, to allow you go through everything including terrain and objects, or press again resist going through the terrain but you can go through the objects.

User Interface Panels – Overview

1. Open Select Object (short cut Ctrl + T) on the top of the tool bar, this panel allows you to see everything in your scene. You can select the object by typing the name in the Fast Select space. You can also get the information of the entity by typing the info to the Filter by and click on the Value button.
2. Open Asset Browser (or Brush in the Rollup Bar) will allow you to not only browse for asset but also browse the texture and materials. You can just simply drag and drop it into the scene.
3. DB (Database). You can import and create your entity from the entity library. You can also change and edit the parameters of the entity.
4. Particles (in the DB button), it helps make waterfall splashes etc. for example, to create a waterfall, go to particles Tab. To load a library, hit load library. Select and load the waterfall option. In the editor open WATERALL exp-PINTO uses ‘RAPIDS’ here-to assign. Right click on the particle and scroll to ASSIGN TO SELECTED OBJECT.
5. Time of day (Tool Bar --- Terrain), changing the time of the day will gives you a different height of the sun or the moon. You can also change the direction of the sun or the moon. You also can change the colour of different Periods of time. You can also change the Focus Value (in the bottom of the right-hand-side menu) in the properties to make your scene more clearly.